мировая классика
Can She Excuse My Wrongs?
Edin Karamazov
Джон Доуленд
Flow My Tears
Fine Knacks For Ladies
Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
The Lowest Trees Have Tops
Come Again
Clear Or Cloudy
Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me
Come Heavy Sleep
The Earle of Essex Galiard from Lachrimae, or Seaven Teares
Christopher Wilson
Релиз: 10 Октября
Fred Chappuis
The Second Book of Songes: No. 5, Mourn, Mourn, Day is with Darkness Fled
Marina Viotti
A Pilgrimes Solace: No. 7, Stay Time a While Thy Flying (Arr. for Voice, Archlute and Electric Guitar by XXX)
Old Man
The Third Booke of Songes: No. 1, Fairwell, Too Fair (Arr. for Voice, Archlute and Moog by XXX)
Dowland: Musicke for the Lute
Paul O'Dette
John Dowland - Lute songs, Lute music
Francesca Torelli
Les prodiges russes: de Dowland à Piazzolla
Dimitri Illarionov
Борис Андрианов
When Love Speaks - The Sonnets
Classic Singles Club, Vol. 5 - 50 Original Recordings
Dowland: Ayres
Ensemble Orlando Gibbons
Evgeni Finkelstein
Julia Thornton
Music of the Spheres, English Consort Songs and Instrumental Music, 16th Century
Brisk Recorder Quartet
Maarten Koningsberger
Mike Fentross
As from Far Away
Giacomo Palazzesi
Dowland: Tunes of Sad Despaire
Dominique Visse
Éric Bellocq
Plays John Dowland and Other English Traditionals
Arnaud Dumond
Il sole non si muove
Cie Rassegna
Farewell, Unkind. Songs & Dances of Dowland
Joel Cohen
Boston Camerata
Madrigaux anglais de la Renaissance - Purcell: 3 Duos
The Saltire Singers
Preludium / Idle Creatures / Flavius Arrested / Feast of Lupercal / Flourishes / Caesar and His Train / Scolding Winds / Brutus' Soliloquy / Brutus Awake / Brutus's Secret / They Murder Caesar / Nenia / Black Sentence / Brutus' Camp / Enter Cassius / Heav
Miklos Rozsa
A Musical Panorama Of Shakespeare's England
The Deller Consort
The Whole Booke of Psalmes
Noël Akchoté
Ancient Mosaic with Guitar
La Reverie
John Dowland: Round Battle Galliard
Michael Saxson
Thesaurus Harmonicus
James Akers
John Dowland: Tarleton's Resurrection
John Dowland: The Shoemaker's Wife
John Dowland: Pavane in D Minor
Dowland: Songs for Soprano and Guitar
Siphiwe McKenzie & Adriano Sebastiani & Riccardo Bini
Siphiwe McKenzie, Adriano Sebastiani & Riccardo Bini
John Dowland: Queen Elizabeth's Galliard
John Dowland: Semper Dowland, Semper Dolens
John Dowland: Galliard
The Classical Orchestra
John Dowland: Dr. Case's Pavane
John Dowland: Sir John Smith's Almain
John Dowland: Wilson's Wilde
My Lady Hundson's Puffe: Flavour of Baroque
Flavio Cucchi
From Borderlands
Angelo Barricelli
Lachrimae Pavan
Wild Heart of Allison
Things We Said Tomorrow
Rosa Incaica
Lamentatio Henrici Noel
Thoughts of Love: Five Songs of John Dowland
Sergio Chierici
Anna Caprioli
Anna Caprioli, Sergio Chierici
Dowland: First Book of Songs or Ayres
Matthias Spaeter
Divine Madness
Moneim Adwan
Clare Wilkinson
Sofie Vanden Eynde
Dowland & Jones: The English Orpheus
Emma Kirkby
Anthony Rooley
Lute Songs & Solos by John Dowland & Peter Croton
Derek Lee Ragin
Theresia Bothe
Peter Croton
Sorrow Stay: John Dowland
Justin Burwood
Rosemary Hodgson
A Pilgrimes Solace
John Dowland's Lachrimae or Seaven Teares
The Rose Consort of Viols
Caroline Trevor
Jocob Heringman
Dowland: Works for Lute
Massimo Lonardi
Sweet Melancholy
Florent Marie
John Dowland: Fantasia Nº7
Dowland - A Game of Mirrors
David Chevallier
Anne Magouët
Bruno Helstroffer
Edgar P.S
Valentina Fin
Awake, Sweet Love - The Music of John Dowland
Julianne Baird
Robert de Cormier
The Robert De Cormier Singers
David Tayler
Dowland: Whose Heavenly Touch
Hopkinson Smith
Mariana Florès
Dowland - Great Recordings
Theatrum Mundi
Il convito musicale
Siegfried Behrend Vol. 1
Siegfried Behrend
Dowland's Dialogues, Vol. 1
English Ayres
Julian Bream
John Dowland: If My Complaints Could Passions Move
Between Earth and Sea
Trio Anima
Matthew Featherstone
Rosalind Ventris
Anneke Hodnett
John Dowland: Frog Galliard
Lachrimae or Seven Teares
Musica Antiqua Koln
Dowland: Consort Music and Songs
Jacob Heringman
Catherine King
Rose Consort of Viols
John Dowland: Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard
Questi Diversi Mondi
Luca Panicciari
A North Country Lass
Lesley Garrett
Jakob Van Eyck: Der fluyten lust-hof
Jill Feldman
Sébastien Marq
Rolf Lisveland
Jill Feldman, Rolf Lisveland, Sébastien Marq
John Dowland: First Booke of Songes or Ayres
Grace Davidson
David Miller
The Earl of Essex Galliard
John Dowland: Lady Hundson's Alman
John Dowland: Lady Hammond's Alman
John Dowland: Go from My Window
John Dowland: Mistress White's Thing
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
John Dowland: The King Of Denmark, His Galliard
John Dowland: Lachrimae
John Dowland: The First Booke of Songs
Delphine Deau
Flow My Tears - Songs For Lute, Viol and Voice - Wigmore Hall Live
Iestyn Davies
Thomas Dunford
Jonathan Manson
Sea Goat
The Queen's Masque
Carine Tinney
Ziv Braha
ensemble feuervogel
In Search of Dowland
bFIVE Recorder Consort
Giovanni Masi
Dowland: Lachrimae
Thurston Dart
Philharmonia of London
Melankhôlia: In Darkness Through The Light
Vincent Flückiger
Dowland: Go Crystal Tears
Dowland in Holland
Camerata Trajectina
John Dowland: Melancholy Galliard
Lord Willougby's Welcome Home
John Dowland: Misses White's Nothing
John Dowland, Tomás Marco: Rota Fortunae
Francesco Molmenti
Renaissance Vol.2
Томас Таллис
Жоскен Депре
Julian Bream: Lute
Francis Cutting
Энтони Холборн
Songs of Rain
Karolina Errera
Lilit Grigoryan
Пётр Ильич Чайковский
Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов
Бенджамин Бриттен
Guitar Lounge
Антонио Вивальди
Франц Шуберт
Исаак Альбенис
Луиджи Родольфо Боккерини
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
A Sea of Cold Flame
Jamie Walton
John Savournin
Quartetto di Cremona
All You Need Classics: Chillout
Эдуард Элгар
Джакомо Пуччини
Генри Пёрселл
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Melancholy Moods
Томазо Альбинони
Эдвард Григ
Джузеппе Верди
Фридерик Шопен
VIII Festival de Música Barroca "Misiones de Chiquitos" Vol. 2
Джованни Пьерлуиджи да Палестрина
Алессандро Скарлатти
Asociación Pro Arte y Cultura
Jenny Evans
Dowland - A Dream
Stabat Mater: Tallis, Dowland, Byrd, von Bingen and Ruiz del Corral reworked for choir and chamber orchestra
Хильдегарда Бингенская
Manuel Ruiz Del Corral
William Byrd
Varanus Ensemble
Lawes: New Old Albion
Il Caleidoscopio Ensemble
Уильям Бёрд
The Royal Baby Collection
Ральф Воан-Уильямс
Sleep: Classic Care - Music for Healthy Living for Sweet Dreams & Peaceful Sleep
Жак Оффенбах
Ludwig van Beethoven
Антонин Дворжак
English String Festival
Capella Istropolitana
Adrian Leaper
European Renaissance: Music for Pleasure
Musica Fresca
Přemysl Vacek
Jan Krejča
Přemysl Vacek, Jan Krejča, Musica Fresca
Клаудио Монтеверди
Music of Tudor and Jacobean England
Peter Watchorn
Орландо Гиббонс
John Bull
Diana Ensemble
Гаэтано Доницетти
Giovanni Paisiello
As Our Sweets Cords with Discords Mixed Be: English Renaissance Consort Music
...A Passo Di Danza, Organ Music on Dance Themes and Variations (Gaetano Callido Organ (1797-99) - Candide Di Cadore)
Christian Tarabbia
Жан-Батист Люлли
Amore, Venere, Tersicore: Music of XVIth and XVIIth Centuries
Филиппо Адзайоло
Джорджио Майнерио
Михаэль Преториус
Raras Partituras 14: Álbum de Canciones
Чарлз Айвз
Франсуа Куперен
Морис Равель
Víctor Torres
Haydée Shvartz
A Baroque Recital of 16th Century Music from Italy, France & England
Diego Ortiz
Joan Ambrosio Dalza
Giles Farnaby
Adrian Le Roy
Marchetto Cara
Lunarcy. Songs of Madness and the Moon.
Lawrence Zazzo
Shizuko Noiri
Джованни Джироламо Капсбергер
Роберт Шуман
Baroque Music Health
Генрих Шютц
Доменико Скарлатти
Арканджело Корелли
New Landscapes
John Cage
Chiyomi Yamada
Toyohiko Satoh
David van Ooijen
Harpsichord Music from England, Spain and Portugal
Zuzana Ruzickova
Antonio Soler
Martin Peerson
John Munday
On Behalf of the Muses
Donna Stewart
Ron Andrico
Гийом Дюфаи
The History of Guitar (100 Famous Songs)
A Feast for the Senses
TENET Vocal Artists
Johann Sebastian Bach
Франсис Пуленк
Иоганнес Брамс
Жорж Бизе
Denis Omerovic
Debra Fernandes
"With Dances and Delight" Sixteenth Century Music from England and Abroad
Тильман Сузато
Sweete Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
The Royal Wind Music
Mélodies d'autrefois
Bruno Jacques Pelletier
Эрик Сати
Иоганн Пахельбель
Musique ancienne
Oeuvres pour guitares, luths, cistre, orpharion et vihuela
Мануэль де Фалья
Le trio de guitares Laval
Recorder Quartet: Early Italian Recorder Music & English Consort Music
Flanders' Recorder Quartet "Vier op'n Rij"
Paul van Loey
Joris Van Goethem
Bart Spanhove
Джованни Габриели
Guitar Recital: Kevin Gallagher
Kevin R. Gallagher
Francisco Guerau
A Golden Treasury of Elizabethan Music on Original Instruments
Tezaur muzical englez de la Henry VIII la Henry Purcell
Dorel Pascu
Cvartetul vocal Polyphonic Consort- Bucureşti
Dowland, Mcleod, Walton, Wilson & Britten: Works for Guitar
Ian Watt
Уильям Уолтон
"Now What Is Love?" Aspects of Love in the 17th Century
Glenda Simpson
Barry Mason
Луиджи Росси
Mad Dog
Schiarazula... arie e danze dal '200 al '600
Giovanni Monoscalco
Luisa Lauri
Luisa Lauri, Cristina Tarquini, Giovanni Monoscalco
Cristina Tarquini
Segovia, Andres: 1950S American Recordings, Vol. 4
Andrés Segovia
Робер де Визе
Жан-Филипп Рамо
Classical Music for Learning: Great Masterpieces to Improve Studying and Mental Focus
Феликс Мендельсон
Medieval and Traditional Carols, Chansons and Festive Dances
In Nova Cantica
Elizabethan & Jacobean Songs and Keyboard Music: "Time Stands Still"
Simon Ponsford
David Ponsford
30 Must-Have British Classics
Густав Холст
Musica a tre
A Painted Tale
Nicholas Phan
Timeless Soundscapes
Srdjan Bulat
Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский
IX Festival de Música Barroca "Misiones de Chiquitos" Vol. 3
Segovia Plays: Purcell, Dowland, Scarlatti, Haydn, Paganini, Villa-Lobos and Others
Никколо Паганини
Йозеф Гайдн
Spanish Café Music: 99 Must-Have Spanish Dinner Classics
Эйтор Вилла-Лобос
Music from Spain & Renaissance Guitar
Hans Newsidler
Jiri Jirmal
Wojciech Dlugoraj
Maria Louisa Anido
Nicolaus Schmall von Lebendorf
Classical Music Travel Guide: London
Vita & Bossa Nova
Lyridiana & Recta Chorda
An Die Musik
Dúo BicaSchiavi
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, John Dowland
Formaţia Consortium violae
De Rippe - Holborne - Dowland - Vallet - Ballard - Melli - Shazar: Récital de luth (Lute Recital)
Haim Shazar
Dowland, Bach, Obrovská, Vojtíšek, Rak
Pavel Steidl
100 Must-Have Winter Meditation
Elizabeth's Lutes
Alex McCartney
Орландо ди Лассо
Flow My Tears: Larmes baroques
Jean-Loup Chavet
Иоганн Кристоф Бах
Handel, Purcell & Locke: Music from the English Courts
Fine Arts Brass Ensemble
Мэтью Локк
Fýra Bjarkir
Peter Hentze Niclasen
Peter Hentze Niclasen - Ólavur Jacobsen - Bjarni Restorff
Regin Dahl - Mikkjal á Ryggi - Carl Jóhan Jensen - Bjarni Re
Canciones de la Vieja Europa
Aquel Trovar
100 Must-Have History of Classical Music
A Voice V
Pavans, Fantasias, Variations
Onyx Brass
Just a Concert
Bernd Steinmann
Мауро Джулиани
Works for Guitar, Lute and Harpsichord
Winter is Coming: 99 Must-Have Winter Themed Classics
100 Must-Have Dinner Classics
Камиль Сен Санс
Cage & Dowland: Equivoci
Maurizio Grandinetti
Grainger: The Complete Piano Music
Martin Jones
Рихард Штраус
Lacrimae Antiquae
Matteo Corona
VII Festival de Música Barroca "Misiones de Chiquitos" Vol. 2
Георг Филипп Телеман
Besondere Begegnung
Liying Zhu
шедевры мировой классики
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