мировая классика
Fantasia in 6 parts (MB 48 No. 32)
Орландо Гиббонс
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
In Nomine a 4
Jordi Savall
Павана, FVB 292
Андрей Волконский
Gibbons: Fantasia No. 6 in D Minor
Gustav Leonhardt
A Ground
Gibbons: Galliard (Musica Britannica 17)
Jacobean Ensemble
Thurston Dart
Ah, Dear Heart
The Queen's Six
In Nomine à 5
Red Byrd
The Silver Swan
Orlando Gibbons - Fantasias and Cries
Les Contre-Ténors
Philippe Jaroussky
Jean-Christophe Spinosi
Ensemble Matheus
Christophe Coin
Gerard Lesne
"In Chains of Gold", The English Pre-Restoration Verse Anthem, Volume 1: Orlando Gibbons, Complete Consort Anthems
Magdalena Consort
His Majestys Sagbutts & Cornetts
Orlando Gibbons: The Cries of London
Noël Akchoté
Anthems, Madrigals and Fantasies
August Wenzinger
Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
The Deller Consort
Gibbons: Second Service And Anthems
Choir of New College Oxford
Hymns Collection
Ian Watts
All Saints Aston Church Choir
Byrd, Gibbons : Oeuvres Pour Clavessin
Laurent Stewart
See, See, The Word is Incarnate: Choral & Instrumental Music by Gibbons, Tomkins & Weelkes
Orlando Gibbons: Hymns & Anthems
O Lord, in Thy Wrath Rebuke Me Not
The Chapel Choir of Trinity Hall, Cambridge
Andrew Arthur
James Grimwood
Gibbons Church Music
Choir of King's College Choir Cambridge
Musick as befitts a Quene - English Virginal Music (1570-1650)
Edward Parmentier
Music by Orlando Gibbons
The Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge
The Elizabethan Consort
Adrian Lucas
Byrd & Gibbons: Consort Songs and Instrumental Music
David Cordier
The Royal Consort
Gibbons: Consort and Keyboard Music / Songs and Anthems
Rose Consort of Viols
Timothy Roberts
Tessa Bonner
Gibbons: Selected Harpsichord Works
Richard Egarr
Tomkins: Orgues historiques de Lanvellec & Josselin, la musique d’orgue anglaise, vol. 4
Hadrien Jourdan
Gibbons: Complete Keyboard Works
Daniel-Ben Pienaar
Orlando Gibbons: The Short Service
Orlando Gibbons: Peace On Earth
Truro Cathedral Choir
Robert Sharpe
The Canterbury Tradition
Габриэль Форе
Уильям Уолтон
Генри Пёрселл
Феликс Мендельсон
The Choir of Canterbury Cathedral
Orgue de Lorris: Musiques d'Europe du XIVe siècle à nos jours
André Isoir
Дитрих Букстехуде
Франсуа Куперен
Oxford Church Anthems
Christ Church Cathedral Choir
Stephen Farr
Франц Шуберт
Антон Брукнер
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Her Heavenly Harmony: Profane Music From the Royal Court
Томас Таллис
Уильям Бёрд
Closer To Clothier
Ensemble 23*12
Johann Sebastian Bach
Иоганнес Брамс
Favourtie Hymns for All Seasons
The Choir of the Abbey School Tewkesbury
Густав Холст
Lajos Rovatkay
John Bull
Music of Tudor and Jacobean England
Peter Watchorn
Джон Доуленд
Stillness And Sweet Harmony
Cambridge Singers
Caroline Ashton
Ruth Holton
John Rutter
John Scott
David Rix
Джузеппе Верди
Guillaume Apollinaire
Paul Eluard
Orlando de Brito
Кристофер Марло
Calmus Ensemble
Франсис Пуленк
Taverner to Tavener: Five Centuries of Music at Christ Church, Oxford
'How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings' - An Evensong for a Dedication from Salisbury Cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral Choir
Choral Music by Campbell, Armstrong, Jackson, Bairstow, Cocker, Porter, Tallis, Gibbons, Knight, Ridout, Vaughan Williams
The Canterbury Cathedral Choir
Ральф Воан-Уильямс
Tudor Anthems - From the Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems
Clare College Chapel Choir
Organ Music by Ketèlby, Callahan, Culp, Campra, Mcamis, Dubois, Rowley, Sowerby, Handel, Chuckerbutty Etc.
James Culp
A Time of Peace - A Sequence of Music from Advent to Candlemas
Ian Barber
Бенджамин Бриттен
Joseph Fennimore in Concert III
Joseph Fennimore
Фридерик Шопен
Йозеф Гайдн
Michael Howard: A Choral Pioneer. Historic Recordings from Ely and Arundel Cathedrals.
Michael Howard
Оливье Мессиан
Джованни Пьерлуиджи да Палестрина
Томас Луис де Виктория
Handel, Purcell & Locke: Music from the English Courts
Fine Arts Brass Ensemble
Мэтью Локк
The Glory of Guildford Cathedral
Джоаккино Россини
Чарлз Айвз
The Choir Of Guildford Cathedral
Canciones de la Vieja Europa
Aquel Trovar
Тильман Сузато
Орландо ди Лассо
Elizabethan Christmas Anthems
Энтони Холборн
Catalina Vicens
Tudor Church Music: The Easter Liturgy of the Church of England
Oskar Peter
The Ambrosian Singers
John McCarthy
Musick Al'italliana: Italian & English Music of the 17th Century
Клаудио Монтеверди
Никола Маттейс
Джакомо Кариссими
Giulio Caccini
Peter Philips
Biagio Marini
Bronwen Pugh
Myscha Butt
The Evening Hour: British Choral Music from the 16th and 20th Centuries
Choir of Jesus College Cambridge
Elisabeth Joyé
Джованни Габриели
Sounds of Canterbury
Эдуард Элгар
Time and Its Passing
Rodolfus Choir
A Golden Treasury of Elizabethan Music on Original Instruments
Passiontide - Seasonal Chroal Music
An English Passion
The Virtuoso Organist: Tudor & Jacobean Masterworks
Thou Knowest Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts (Funeral Music from 16th and 17th Century England)
The Choir of Christ's College
Elizabethan & Jacobean Songs and Keyboard Music: "Time Stands Still"
Simon Ponsford
David Ponsford
Choral Concert: English Renaissance - Byrd, W. / Weelkes, T. / Taverner, J. / Gibbons, O. / Tye, C. / Tallis, T. (Music of Great Cathedrals)
English Renaissance
Michael Stoddart
Early Music (The Glory Of)
Ensemble Unicorn
Ensemble Villanella
Shirley Rumsey
Joseph Payne
Christopher Wilson
Гийом Дюфаи
Grounds for Pleasure
Colin Booth
Music of the Realm: Tudor Music for Men's Voices
How Brightly Shines the Morning Star: Music for Epiphany
St. Mark's Cathedral Choir
Joshua Haberman
Tim Mackey
Roger W. Sherman
Thomas Joyce
Joyce A. Ramee
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