мировая классика
The Spirit of Tallis
Anna Sandström
Kelly McCusker
Томас Таллис
Tallis: O Nata Lux
Loqubantur variis linguis
Armonico Consort
Christopher Monks
Spem in Alium
The Tallis Scholars
Peter Phillips
Tallis: Canon
Fiona Pears
The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Tallis: Te Lucis Ante Terminum, Festal
Christian Forshaw
Tallis: Spem in alium
Andrew Parrott
Alan Wilson
Taverner Choir
Taverner Consort
Tallis : If Ye Love Me
Spem In Alium A 40 (1993 Digital Remaster)
The Clerkes Of Oxenford
David Wulstan
Purge me, O Lord
Chapelle du Roi
New Dawn
100 Best British Classics
Essential Renaissance
Tallis: Latin Church Music
Thomas Tallis: Spem in Alium
The King's Singers
Tallis & Sheppard Church Music
O Ye Tender Babes - English Virginal Music
Frances Conover Fitch
The Deer's Cry
The Sixteen
Harry Christophers
Compline Service with Anthems & Motets
Clare College Chapel Choir
Thomas Tallis Best
Classic Hertz
Virgin and Child: Music from the Baldwin Partbooks II
Owen Rees
Tallis: Spem in alium nunquam habui
Noël Akchoté
Gaudent in Coelis: Choral Music by Sally Beamish, Judith Bingham & Joanna Marsh
The Choirs of St Catharine's College, Cambridge
Edward Wickham
Vox Patris Caelestis: Music of Tallis, Tye, Sheppard, Taverner & Mundy
Timothy J. Smith
The Rutgers Collegium Musicum
Medieval Chant and Tallis Lamentations
Tenebrae Consort
Tallis: Mass for Four Voices / Motets
Oxford Camerata
Jeremy Summerly
Tallis: Spem in alium nunquam habui à 40
Elizabethan Songs and Consort Music
Rose Consort of Viols
Catherine King
Trio Lignum
Byrd & Tallis: ...In Chains of Gold...
Dunedin Consort
Spem in Alium (As Mentioned in Fifty Shades of Grey)
Anthologie de la musique d'orgue, des Primitifs à la Renaissance (À l'orgue du Petit Séminaire de Saint-Trond)
Pierre Froidebise
Thomas Tallis: Gentleman of the Chapel Royal
The Gentlemen of HM Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace
Carl Jackson
Música Sacra
The Deller Consort
In the Midst of Life: Music from the Baldwin Partbooks I
National Youth Choir Of Great Britain
Pyhät Laulut
Kamarikuoro Kampin Laulu
Otto Alanen
Thomas Tallis Spiccato
Three Tudor Masses - Byrd/Tallis/Tye
Choir Of King's College
Philip Ledger
Thomas Talllis's Secret Garden: Sacred Music in Latin
Graham O'Reilly
Ensemble européen William Byrd
Music for Holy Week
Tallis, Gaude Gloriosa - Magnificat And Nunc Dimittis Motets From The Cantiones Sacrae
Choir of New College Oxford
Thomas Tallis: The Complete Works, Vol. 6
Alistair Dixon
Navidad: Villancicos Renancentistas de Europa y América
Ars Nova
The Lamentations of Jeremiah
Lay Clerks of St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
Another Spem in Alium
Renaissance Vol.2
Джон Доуленд
Жоскен Депре
A Golden Treasury of Ancient Instruments
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Иоганн Фридрих Фаш
Johann Sebastian Bach
Антонио Вивальди
Барбара Строцци
Alessandro Piccinini
Sine Nomine Ensemble for Medieval Music
Thomas Augustine Arne
Supersize Polyphony
Choir of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge
Хильдегарда Бингенская
In Nomine Sixteenth Century Music for Viols
John Bull
The Glory of Peterborough Cathedral
Ральф Воан-Уильямс
Томас Луис де Виктория
Peterborough Cathedral Choir
The Choir of Canterbury Cathedral
Джованни Пьерлуиджи да Палестрина
Франсис Пуленк
Доменико Скарлатти
Stabat Mater: Tallis, Dowland, Byrd, von Bingen and Ruiz del Corral reworked for choir and chamber orchestra
Manuel Ruiz Del Corral
William Byrd
Varanus Ensemble
Queen Mary's Big Belly: Hope for an Heir in Catholic England
Орландо ди Лассо
Elizabeth Kenny
Clever Canticles
Бенджамин Бриттен
Эдуард Элгар
Феликс Мендельсон
Генри Пёрселл
Her Heavenly Harmony: Profane Music From the Royal Court
The Queen's Six
Уильям Бёрд
Орландо Гиббонс
Messe pour double-chœur
Chœur des XVI
Chœur des XVI & André Ducret
Ceremony and Devotion - Music for the Tudors
Choral Music by Campbell, Armstrong, Jackson, Bairstow, Cocker, Porter, Tallis, Gibbons, Knight, Ridout, Vaughan Williams
The Canterbury Cathedral Choir
Schola San Rocco
Гийом Дюфаи
Global Transcendence: Sacred World Harmony and Chant
Chicago a cappella
Tudor City
Andrew Smith
Christopher Tye
John Dunstable
William Cornysh
John Taverner
New York Polyphony
Tudor Anthems - From the Oxford Book of Tudor Anthems
Out of Darkness: Music from Lent to Trinity
Choir of Jesus College Cambridge
Mark Williams
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming
Richard Pinel
Михаэль Преториус
Густав Холст
Ave Verum - Favourite Parish Anthems
Сезар Франк
Sweete Musicke of Sundrie Kindes
Энтони Холборн
The Royal Wind Music
The Flaming Fire: Mary Queen of Scots and Her World
Parthenia Consort of Viols
Ryland Angel
Dongsok Kim
Tudor Church Music: The Easter Liturgy of the Church of England
Oskar Peter
The Ambrosian Singers
John McCarthy
Come, Holy Spirit - Music for Ascension, Pentecost & Trinity
The Choir of The Queen's College Oxford
A Jubilee Celebration
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Royal Manuscripts: The Genius of Illumination - Medieval & Renaissance Music Inspired by the British Library Exhibition
The Hillard Ensemble
Taracea: A Mosaic of Ingenious Music Spanning Five Centuries
Seldom Sene
Time and Its Passing
Rodolfus Choir
Камиль Сен Санс
Клаудио Монтеверди
The Canterbury Voice
An English Passion
The Virtuoso Organist: Tudor & Jacobean Masterworks
Stephen Farr
Art & Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Convivium Musicum Gothenburgense
Scholars of London
Ensemble Villanella
Shirley Rumsey
Choral Concert: English Renaissance - Byrd, W. / Weelkes, T. / Taverner, J. / Gibbons, O. / Tye, C. / Tallis, T. (Music of Great Cathedrals)
English Renaissance
Michael Stoddart
Ave Generosa
Music of the Realm: Tudor Music for Men's Voices
Harp Music from Six Centuries
Edward Witsenburg
Михаил Иванович Глинка
Пётр Ильич Чайковский
музыка мира
лёгкая музыка
шедевры мировой классики
Джезуальдо да Веноза
Генрих Шютц
к празднику
аудиокниги на иностранном языке
опера и вокал