F Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
Vocal Choach TA
E Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
G Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
F Sharp Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
A Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
G Sharp Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
B Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
Bb Major Triad Vocal Exercise, Octave up and Down, 12 Keys Semitone Up
C Sharp Major Cadence, T-Sd-D, 1-4-5, All Positions to the Pitch Exercise
C Major Cadence, T-Sd-D, 1-4-5, All Positions to the Pitch Exercise
Vocal Coaching & Hit Chords: Voice Training, Keys, Scales, Triads, Vocal Exercises, Cadences, Aural Training