мировая классика
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 863: Prelude No. 18
Ralph Kirkpatrick
Johann Sebastian Bach
J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 - Var. 24 Canone all'Ottava a 1 Clav.
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 865: Fugue No. 20
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 854: Prelude No. 9
J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 - Var. 29 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav.
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 855: Fugue No. 10
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 856: Fugue No. 11
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 854: Fugue No. 9
Partita No. 3 in A Minor BWV 827: IV. Sarabande
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I, BWV 847: Prelude No. 2
Scarlatti: Sonatas for Harpischord
Доменико Скарлатти
Concerto, Harpsichord and String Orchestra
Bach: Well-Tempered Clavier I, Ralph Kirkpatrick vs. Rosalyn Tureck
Das Schaffen Johann Sebastian Bachs: Serie K. Instrumentalkonzerte
Rudolf Baumgartner
Partitas 1-3
Partitas 4-6
Bach: French Suites 1-3
J.S. Bach: The Well-tempered Clavier, Book I
Bach: Two Part Inventions - Partita No. 2, BWV 862 - Capriccio sopra la lontananza del suo fratello dilettissimo, BWV 992
Ralph Kirkpatrick - The complete 1950s Bach recordings on Archiv
Bach: French Suites 4-6
Bach: French Overture
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, Ralph Kirkpatrick vs. Karl Ristenpart
Karl Ristenpart
English Suites 1-3
Bach: Fantasia
Bach: Harpsichord Recital
Bach: Goldberg Variations
15 Inventions and 15 Sinfonias, BWV 772-801
Bach: Harpsichord Concertos I, IV & V
Lucerene Festival Strings
English Suites 4-6
Johann Sebastian Bach: Goldberg Variations; Italian Concerto; Fantasia BMW 906
Scarlatti, D.: Sonatas for Harpsichord
J. S. Bach Collection, Vol. 2
Helmut Walcha
Rudolf Serkin
Leopold Stokowski
Philadelphia Orchestra
Bach: Well-Tempered Clavier II, Ralph Kirkpatrick vs. Rosalyn Tureck
The Art of Ralph Kirkpatrick
Johann Sebastian Bach - Clavier Übung: Partita No. II in C Minor & Partita No. IV in D Major
Bach: The Well-tempered Clavier, Book II
Das Schaffen Johann Sebastian Bachs: Serie G: Werken für Klavier
Pierre Hantai
Wanda Landowska
шедевры мировой классики
Richard Egarr
Kenneth Gilbert
Richard Lester
Bob van Asperen
Scott Ross
Robert Hill
Luc Beauséjour
Maria Stader
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