I Believe in My Dreams
Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol
His Cuban Lightning Orchestra
The Man Was Not Born Yesterday
Jamba Rhapsody 1: Spy Hide and Seek
Go Away, Don't Come Back!
Jamba Rhapsody 4: Black or White, It Is in the Color of Your Eyes
Jamba Rhapsody 7: With Perfection in Mind
Jamba Rhaposdy 4: Black or White, It Is in the Color of Your Eyes
Rainy Day, Shiny Day, Fearless
Insanity: I Love It!
The Dolphin and the Lightning
El Mundo En Llamas Del Spy
Jamba Rhapsody 2: Cuba Linda Del Spy
The Lost Love of the Spy
Black Tears in My Eyes
Insanity: I Love It
My Mystery Love
My Cuba Stolen from Me
Mujer Aprende a Vivir
The Ghost Mystery Man
Never Bully Me Again
Dark Doubts in Your Mind
Jamba Rhapsody #11: Cuba (Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow)
My Scandalous and Crazy Love
Mi Mundo En Tinieblas
Love Imperfect Crime
The Lightning: A Free-Spirited Man
Lies and Deception
My Aphrodisiac Love
The Lightning Hombre Solo
Wonders of Our Memories
Salvaje Esa Eres Tu
Sorry to Leave You
Jamba Rhapsody 3: Americas the Unqiue
The Cuban Lightning: The Zipper
Sonya, el Amor de Mi Infancia
Water and Light
Counterfeit Scaredy-Cats
Surviving Loco
Exotic Asian Eyes
Jamba Rhapsody 1 (Spy Hide and Seek)
The Lightning: Light and Fire
Jamba Rhaposdy 6: La Danza Del Amor
El Adios Del Spy
Primitive Minds Deja Vu
Jamba Rhapsody 8: I'm in Love with Soul, Body, and Mind
Mi Perla Bendita
En Tu Cumpleaños My Love
Encoded Deceptions
Music in a Classified, Encoded Key
The Cuban Lightning Orchestra
Mi Habana Vieja
Evil Minds Interceptor
Dios El Universo Y Nuestro Amor
Celos Ardientes de Amor
Love Is Loyalty
My Woman Is Heaven
Our Naked Minds
Sexually Abused
Wounded White Dove
Q and I
No More Fighting or Goodbye