мировая классика
Old Wine in New Bottles: III. Begone, Dull Care! (Live)
Andrew Bradley
Brian Lewis
Old Wine in New Bottles: II. The Three Ravens (Live)
Old Wine in New Bottles: I. Wraggle Taggle Gypsies (Live)
Gyil, Encore (Live)
Matt McClung
Fantasy on Japanese Woodprints for Solo Marimba & Orchestra (Live)
The Marriage of Figaro Overture, K.492 (Live)
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт
Symphony No. 3 in G Minor, Op. 36: I. Adagio - Allegro (Live)
Solitaire for violin solo (Live)
Scott St. John
I Wanna See the World
Maternity - Women's Voices Through the Ages (Live) (World Premiere)
Anthony Brandt
Karol Bennett
David Eagleman
Roco Unchambered: Chase Sequence
ROCO Brass Quintet
ROCO in Concert: May 2008
Морис Равель
Йозеф Гайдн
Дариус Мийо
ROCO in Concert: February 2008 Conductorless!
Джордже Энеску
Густав Холст
ROCO in Concert: October 2011
Timothy Jones
ROCO Unchambered: Nik-Nak
Alecia Lawyer
Kristin Wolfe Jensen
Nathan Williams
ROCO in Concert: February 2012
Richard Belcher
Paul English
Франц Шуберт
ROCO in Concert: November 2007
Антонио Вивальди
ROCO in Concert: February 2010 Conductorless!
ROCO in Concert: Musical Mélange and Organ Solo
Paul Jacobs
Густав Малер
ROCO in Concert: April 2012
ROCO in Concert: Legendary Love, Conductorless!
ROCO in Concert: May 2007
Иоганн Христиан Бах
Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский
ROCO in Concert: October 2009
Феликс Мендельсон
All Things Considered
ROCO in Concert: February 2007
ROCO in Concert: April 2011
Аарон Копленд
ROCO in Concert: February 2009 Conductorless!
Danielle Kuhlmann
Отторино Респиги
Жорж Бизе
ROCO in Concert: April 2009
Christina Jennings
Дмитрий Дмитриевич Шостакович
ROCO in Concert: October 2008
Mollie Marcuson
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Рихард Штраус
Roco in Concert: The Wrestler
Samuel Barber
ROCO in Concert: April 2010
ROCO in Concert: October 2010
Sandor Ostlund
Дьёрдь Лигети
ROCO in Concert: People Are People
Andrés Cárdenes
ROCO in Concert: February 2011 Conductorless!
Леош Яначек
Антонин Дворжак
ROCO in Concert: To the Beat of a Different Drummer
Roco in Concert: Queen of Hearts