мировая классика
The Heart Asks Pleasure First
Michael Nyman
Time Lapse
The Zoo Orchestra
McQueen: Time Lapse
Michael Nyman Band
Sheep And Tides (2004 Digital Remaster)
Deep Into The Forest
An Eye For Optical Theory
The Michael Nyman Band
Lady In The Red Hat (2004 Digital Remaster)
Bees In Trees (2004 Digital Remaster)
Chasing Sheep Is Best Left To Shepherds
Motion Trio
Chasing Sheep
Minimalism for the Mind
Philip Glass
Steve Reich
Landscapes: Minimalism
Arvo Pärt
Work From Home With Minimalism
The Piano: Music From The Motion Picture
Film Music 1980 - 2001
Four Reasons
Джованни Баттиста Перголези
Алессандро Страделла
Johann Sebastian Bach
Эйтор Вилла-Лобос
Джакомо Пуччини
Джузеппе Верди
Steel Wind
Astor Piazzolla
Carl Orff
Kurt Weill
Wim Mertens
Drowning By Numbers: Music From The Motion Picture
Michael Nyman - Peter Greenaway Film Music
A Zed And Two Noughts: Music From The Motion Picture
Best of Avant-Garde
Эрик Сати
Paul Smadbeck
Karol Beffa
Joseph Schwantner
The Draughtsman's Contract: Music From The Motion Picture
Acoustic Accordions
Prospero's Books - Music From The Film
Sarah Leonard
Marie Angel
Ute Lemper
Deborah Conway
Classical Best Avant Garde
Avant garde
Аарон Копленд
«Повар, вор, его жена и её любовник»
The Libertine
Michael Nyman Orchestra
Wonderland: Music From The Motion Picture
The Piano Sings
Michael Nyman and 'The Tempest'
Ik! - The Nederlands Blazers Ensemble Performs Works By Purcell, Händel, Nyman, et al
Георг Фридрих Гендель
Генри Пёрселл
Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
The Claim: Music From The Motion Picture
8 Lust Songs: I Sonetti Lussuriosi
Michael Nyman, Vol. 2 - Works for Ensemble
Michael Nyman, Vol. 1 - Piano
The Glare
David McAlmont
Panagiotis Margaris
Six Days, Six Nights
The Commissar Vanishes/The Fall Of Icarus
Acts of Beauty/Exit No Exit
Christina Zavalloni
Sentieri Selvaggi
Concertos - Michael Nyman
Michael Nyman: Songbook
The Piano Sings, Vol. 2
Secrets, Accusations and Charges
Love Counts
Andrew Slater
Helen Williams
Decay Music
AET (After Extra Time)
Ingrid Bergman in Her Own Words
Paul Willey
Christophe Clad
Kate Musker
Tony Hinnigan
David Roach
The Kiss And Other Movements