Psalm 95: If Today (4th OT B) (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
The Modern Psalmist
Rebecca De La Torre
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Communion Antiphon (Psalm 107:8-9) (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
In the Light (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
O Lord, to Whom Shall We Go? (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
Psalm 23: The House of the Lord (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
The Most Holy God (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
Magnificat (The Canticle of Mary) (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
Alleluia (Mass of Mourning (5th OT B) (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
Luke 1: My Soul Rejoices (3rd Advent B) (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
Psalm 40: Here I Am, Lord (2nd OT B) (feat. Rebecca De La Torre)
Luke 1: My Soul Rejoices (3rd Advent B)
Psalm 34: Taste and See
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Communion Antiphon (Psalm 107:8-9)
Psalm 25: Remember Your Mercies
Alleluia (Mass of Mourning (5th OT B)
Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd (4th Easter A)
O Come Emmanuel (Verse 4)
Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting (32nd OT A)
O Come Emmanuel (Verse 3)
Be Thou My Vision
Psalm 128: Blessed Are Those (33rd OT A)
O Come Emmanuel (Verse 1)
Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
Psalm 80: The Vineyard of the Lord
We Are Yours
Sancti Venite (Come All Ye Holy)
Psalm 95: If Today (4th OT B)
Magnificat (The Canticle of Mary)
Alleluia (Mass of Mourning (2nd OT B)
O Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?
Alleluia (Mass of Mourning (3rd OT B)
Panis Angelicus
Psalm 89: Forever I Will Sing (4th Advent B)
Alleluia (Mass of Mourning (4th OT B)
Psalm 147: Priase the Lord (5th OT B)
In the Light
Psalm 145: The Lord Is Near
O Come Emmanuel (Verse 2)
Psalm 80: Lord Make Us Turn to You (1st Advent B)
Just As I Am
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (Gabriel's Message)
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Communion Antiphon (Psalm 31:17-18)
Here I Am, Lord (De La Torre)
Benedictus (The Canticle of Zechariah)
The Most Holy God
Psalm 23: The House of the Lord
Misericordes Sicut Pater (Verse 1)
Psalm 25: Teach Me Your Ways (3rd OT B)
1st Sunday of Advent (Communion Antiphon (Psalm 85:13)
Psalm 40: Here I Am, Lord (2nd OT B)