The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Act III, Scene 8: "Here You Have Him the Murderer!" (Old villager, Junoš, Jan Tausendmark, Jíra, Ludiše, Vlčenka, Děčana), Act III, Scene 8: "Here You Have Him the Murderer!" (Old villager, Junoš, Jan Tausendmark, Jí
Milada Šubrtová
Zdenek Otava
Bohumir Vich
Eduard Haken
Jan Hus Tichy
Miloslava Fidlerová
Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Бедржих Сметана
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act I: "We Must Remember Well This Newly Found Short-Cut!" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Würfl, hostinský na Vikárce - Čaroskvoucí - Konšel)
Václav Neumann
Karel Berman
Vladivoj Jankovsky
Smetana Theatre Chorus
Леош Яначек
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act I: "Hear Ye, Knights of God - the Day of the Lord Begins!" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Sakristán u sv. Víta - Lunobor - Domšík od Zvonu, Würfl, hostinský na Vikárce - Čaroskvoucí - Konšel)
Premysl Koci
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Act III: "In Vain Do I Look Round and Round" (Old villager, Junoš, Jíra, Town crier), Act III: "In Vain Do I Look Round and Round" (Old villager, Junoš, Jíra, Town crier)
Jindrich Jindrak
Prague National Theatre Chorus
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act II: "Introduction - If I Weren´t Sitting Here" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Sakristán u sv. Víta - Lunobor - Domšík od Zvonu)
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Act III, Scene 7: "That Is Strange... What a Sorrow" (Old villager), Act III, Scene 7: "That Is Strange... What a Sorrow" (Old villager)
Antonin Votava
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Act III, Scene 6: "The Night Is Quiet" (Junoš), Act III, Scene 6: "The Night Is Quiet" (Junoš)
Ivo Zidek
Milan Malý
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act I: "There Were Deep Undergreound Passages" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán, Würfl, hostinský na Vikárce - Čaroskvoucí - Konšel)
The Excursions of Mr. Brouček to the Moon and into the 15th Century. Opera in 2 Parts, ., Act II: "Help! Help!" (Matěj Brouček, domácí pán)
Bohumír Vích, Prague National Theatre Orchestra, Václav Neumann
Katya Kabanova, ., Act I: "How Can I Go Away?" (Boris Grigorjevič, jeho synovec, Marfa Ignatěvna Kabanová(Kabanicha), bohatá kupcová, vdova, Tichon Ivanovič Kabanov, její syn, Katěrina (Káťa), jeho žena, Varvara, schovanka v domě Kabanových)
Jaroslav Krombholc
Beno Blachut
Drahomíra Tikalová
Ivana Mixová