Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 1, Scene 2: Inkslinger's Regret. "All the Little Brooks of Love" (Inkslinger, Bunyan, Chorus)
Philip Brunelle
Chorus Of The Plymouth Music Series
Dan Dressen
James Lawless
Бенджамин Бриттен
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 1, Scene 2: Bunyan's Goodnight. "Now Let the Complex Spirit Dissolve in the Darkness" (Bunyan)
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 2, Scene 1: Bunyan's Good Morning. "The Songs of Dawn Have Been Sung" (Bunyan, Chorus)
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act II, Scene 1: "What does he want to see us for?" - Shear's Song. "It has always been my dream" - Bunyan's Warning. "If there isn’t a flood, there’s a drought" (Bunyan, Hel, Shears, Farmers)
James Bohn
James McKeel
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act I, Scene 1: Bunyan's Greeting. "It is a spring morning" - Call of Lumberjacks. "Down the line!" (Bunyan, Lumberjacks)
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act I, Scene 1: Lumberjacks' Chorus. "My birthplace was in Sweden" - Bunyan's Welcome. "Welcome and sit down" (Lumberjacks, Bunyan)
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 1, Scene 1: Quartet of Swedes. "Swedish Born and Swedish Bred" (Four Swedes, Bunyan, Chorus)
Lawrence Weller
Phil Jorgenson
Thomas Shaffer
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 2, Scene 1: Cats' Creed. "Let Man the Romantic in Vision Espy" (Moppet, Poppet, Bunyan, Cronies, Hel)
Benjamin Allen
Janis Hardy
Jay Ramos
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 1, Scene 1: Western Union Boy's Song. "A Telegram from Oversea" (Western Union Boy, Chorus, Bunyan, Hel, Sam, Ben)
James Westbrock
Merle Fristad
Britten: Paul Bunyan, Op. 17, Act 1, Scene 1: Cooks' Duet. "Sam for Soups, Ben for Beans" (Sam, Ben, Inkslinger, Bunyan)
Vern Sutton