Mysteries (From Barney McAll album Mother of Dreams and Secrets HEAD066)
Barney McAll
Jay Rodriguez
Jamie Oehlers
Ernesto Simpson
Ramses Rodriguez
Jacim Manricks
Pachyderm Picasso (From Sam Keevers Nonet album No Exceptions HEAD068)
Stephen Magnusson
Bernie McGann
Simon Barker
Jordan Murray
Scott Tinkler
Aguantando La Zozobra Crepuscular (From Ben Winkelman Trio album The Spanish Tinge HEAD080)
Danny Fischer
Sam Anning
Javier Fredes
Ben Winkelman
Ben Winkelman Trio
A Little Busy (From the Jazzhead album Javabubbaboogaloo HEAD003)
Howard Cairns
B. Timmons
James Sherlock
Mark Fitzgibbon
James Sherlock Trio
Andy Fitzgibbon
There's a Time and Place (From the Paul Williamson Quintet album Far Away Here HEAD077)
Paul Williamson
Paul Grabowsky
Felix Bloxsom
Rodrigo Aravena
Paul Williamson Quintet
And the Half Light (From the Way Out West album Old Grooves For New Streets HEAD084)
Peter Knight
Dave Beck
Dung Nguyen
Ray Pereira
Tune No.1 (From Zac Hurren Trio album Exordium HEAD071)
Zac Hurren
Zac Hurren Trio
Eugene Romaniuk
Isaac Hurren
Carried By The Sun (From the Keller Murphy Browne album Carried By The Sun HEAD072)
Andrea Keller
Allan Browne
Tamara Murphy
Keller, Murphy & Browne
Just Out Of Reach (From the Jamie Oehlers Double Drummer Group album You R Here Session One HEAD074)
Sam Keevers
James Muller
Ben Vanderwal