Epistle of Poggio Bracciolini of Florence to Leonard Bruni of Arezzo on the Condemnation of Master Jeroným of Prague, .: Poggio greets Leonard and the Counsel for the Defence of Master Jerome
Prague Philharmonic Choir
Václav Neumann
Czech Philharmonic
Lubomir Matl
Vladimir Dolezal
Richard Novak
Epistle of Poggio Bracciolini of Florence to Leonard Bruni of Arezzo on the Condemnation of Master Jeroným of Prague, .: Of Many Martyrs
Epistle of Poggio Bracciolini of Florence to Leonard Bruni of Arezzo on the Condemnation of Master Jeroným of Prague, .: In praise of Master Jan Hus
Epistle of Poggio Bracciolini of Florence to Leonard Bruni of Arezzo on the Condemnation of Master Jeroným of Prague, .: The death of Master Jerome and Epilogue