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The Hanoverian Ensemble все альбомы
Telemann: Six Concertos For Two Flutes
The Hanoverian Ensemble
Георг Филипп Телеман
Music for Lord Abingdon - Haydn, JC Bach, Gretry & Abel
The Hanoverian Ensemble
En Trio: French Baroque Trio Sonatas
The Hanoverian Ensemble
Music for Louis XV - Michel de la Barre: Ten Suites for Two Flutes
The Hanoverian Ensemble
Мишель Де Ла Барр
Telemann In the French Style: Ouverture from Musique de Table, Paris Quartet and Two Trio Sonatas
The Hanoverian Ensemble
Георг Филипп Телеман
Bachanalia - Instrumental Music of the Bach Family
The Hanoverian Ensemble
A Treasury of German Baroque Music
The Hanoverian Ensemble
Kent Tritle
Nina Stern